Whether you’re searching for your first home or have bought and sold several properties over the years, a realtor can help you find the ideal home for your family, navigate any issues that arise, and advocate on your behalf during negotiations. And particularly in today’s competitive market, working with a trusted realtor can be instrumental in helping you successfully purchase your dream home, even when faced with limited inventory and potential bidding wars. To make the most of your relationship with your agent, keep in mind the following things that he or she probably wishes you knew

-Being fully ready to buy when you start the house-hunting process will give you an edge over the competition. This means having a clear idea of your wants and needs, getting pre-approved for a mortgage, and being financially, logistically, and emotionally ready to act when you find the right home.

-Avoid getting attached to a home until closing. Even once the seller accepts your offer, several issues can arise that may prevent a home from becoming yours. As difficult as it may be, try to avoid becoming emotionally attached to a property until after closing.

-Your realtor can’t help you with everything—but they can refer you to the right professional for your needs. Most realtors have a vast range of knowledge about homes, current market conditions, and various other aspects of the real estate process. However, they must be careful to avoid offering advice in areas that their licenses don’t cover. For example, there are limits to questions they can answer about your mortgage loan, or whether certain features on a property are up to code. So don’t pressure your agent or expect them to offer guidance on something outside their realm of expertise—but know that they likely have a large network of other professionals to whom they can refer you when needed.

Source: realtor.com

Whitney Johnson